"Bella, Alice and Jasper Go To White Castle"
Bella Swan woke up in a haze. She tried to remember the last 36 hours or so, but nothing came back at first. She groped around in the dark for her clothes - they were all over the bedroom so it took a while to gather them up - some of them appeared to be burned. Slowly the images from the previous day or so in the hotel room crept back into her brain. Jesus, what had they done? Bella knew she had to make sure Alice and Jasper were okay, but a bright flash of light made her drop to her knees. She stayed on the ground for a few minutes, or maybe hours, until she felt ready to walk again.
She could hear someone whispering in the next room, a quiet incantation. She dreaded seeing what the rest of the place looked like, so she decided to put it off for a few more minutes and take a shower. She left her clothes in a pile on the corner of the bed and walked into the bathroom, finally getting the nerve to turn on a light switch. In the mirror, she looked dead. For a second it occurred to Bella that she might be—maybe Alice or Jasper, during the—but she didn’t feel like a vampire. She mostly felt like vomiting, and was pretty sure vampires didn’t vomit. Bella looked again at her face. Someone had written “ALICE LOVES COCK” in huge letters on her forehead. In fact, she had messages on most of her body, scrawled sentences in black marker.They seemed to get dirtier the further down they went—by the time Bella was reading the messages on her knees they were describing sex acts she hadn’t even heard of before.
On her back was a scrawled phallus with a note in a different set of handwriting, thoughtfully written backwards so she could read it in the mirror: “Dear Bella, I traced my penis on your back, Love Jasper.” Bella laughed, but the laugh made her chest hurt, and then she vomited for a while into the bathtub. She decided to not take a shower just yet. She got dressed instead, and stumbled shakily into the main room. It was a disaster—the couch was torn in half, someone put a chair through the TV screen, and the walls were smeared with what looked eerily like human blood. Alice was standing in the middle of the room naked, next to an open bucket of red paint. Bella sighed in relief. Alice had smeared some of the paint on herself, almost as if she’d tried to make a bathing suit. She was staring at the ground, saying “curiouser and curiouser,” over and over again in a soft voice.
Jasper looked even worse. He was crouched in the corner, looking even paler and crazier than usual, holding two knives and rubbing them together. Bella walked over to Alice, wiped the cocaine dust and dried blood from her nose, and ran her hand back and forth in front of her eyes for a while. No response. At least none that Bella could see; her own vision kept blurring. It would have been a lot easier to concentrate if the room stopped spinning. Was there a motor controlling the rotation that she could turn off? Bella decided to look into it after she’d dealt with Alice, who was still standing perfectly still. “Alice!” Bella shouted.
“Curiouser and curiouser,” Alice said.
A sharp sound made Bella look up—Jasper was lighting matches, trying to set the remains of the couch on fire. She ran to stop him, but somehow ended up on the floor. How did the floor get here? She might have tripped on some pills—there were a lot of them on the floor. There was a green one right next to her mouth. What did the green ones do again? Bella grabbed it with her tongue and swallowed it. Maybe it would do something about this sharp pain she was suddenly feeling. Bella decided to rest for a while. The tile was cold at first but the blood seeping from her head was warm. “It’s like a blanket for my head,” Bella said out loud.
“Curiouser and curiouser.” Alice replied.
1 comment:
this should so have been in the book.
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