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"Alice Gets Caught"
Bella Swan woke up feeling like shit. Her fucking walking cast had twisted around in the night, and moving it back hurt like hell. This fucking cast itches like a motherfucker, Bella thought. She’d already lost a pencil and a key in there trying to scratch, and now she couldn’t be sure where they even were. One came back every now and again to stick into some sore spot of flesh like the shrapnel in Harry Clearwater’s leg from the war. Bella’s teachers had given up on chiding her for her profane outbursts in the middle of class whenever one did.
She was exhausted. For a quick second she forgot her new routine and looked for Edward in his chair, but he was gone. He knew better than to stick around in the mornings now. Bella got ready for school with a different vampire these days. Where was she?
“Alice?” Bella called.
From downstairs she heard a sudden crashing and fumbling. Someone got up from the couch. Alice came dancing up the stairs, wiping her mouth and pulling her shirt back on.
“Sorry Bella, honey, I was just…talking to your dad. Ready for your shower?”
Alice didn’t know how shit had gotten so out of hand. She’d been spending a lot of time talking with Charlie in the mornings—she always arrived too early—and a few days ago they’d just started fucking. It had happened so fast, she didn’t have a lot of time to think about the consequences. She was terrified Bella would find out, but she was also totally unwilling to stop. It was a complicated situation. To make matters worse, she’d taken to mentally re-living her sessions with Charlie and looking into the future to see what they’d try tomorrow while helping his daughter shower. It felt kind of perverse, but it was free time Alice had every day to get lost in thought; Bella took long showers. And she had to compartmentalize this shit—she didn’t dare think about Charlie around Jasper. What if she’d said the wrong name…it was too scary to think about.
Focus, Alice thought. Bella was getting in the shower-she was running out of time to think. She would worry about the consequences later, enjoy it while she could.
Alice’s task was simple enough: she stood by the shower and held Bella’s walking cast away from the water. She occasionally had to reach in and support Bella by her other hip if she started to lose her balance, but even a girl as clumsy as Bella got better at standing on one foot with enough practice. Alice had to pay even less attention lately. She looked ahead to tomorrow’s session. Charlie had decided to try out a few new moves; one looked especially interesting.
Alice snapped out of her reverie—Bella was lying on the floor of the bathtub. “Shit,” Alice said, standing her back up and toweling off her cast gracefully before the water could set in. “I’m sorry Bella, I got distracted.”
“No, I’m sorry. Fuck, you’re so wet now.”
Alice giggled.
Getting dressed alone would be a struggle, but Bella had decided to limit the amount of time Alice saw her naked. Today, in the shower, she’d seen this look in Alice’s eye, and she looked…aroused. Bella was flattered, but just a little uncomfortable. Luckily Alice didn’t seem offended when Bella dismissed her—she said she’d finish talking to Charlie. Bella smiled in spite of herself. She was so happy they were getting along; they were actually talking in Charlie’s bedroom!
Bella finished getting dressed and called for Alice.
“I’m coming!” Alice nearly screamed from the other room.
Bella shrugged and went downstairs to wait. It was a good thing they’d started so early, because Bella ended up waiting for another 45 minutes. Jeez, she’s my friend Charlie, Bella thought, feeling a surge of jealousy. Were they talking about her? What could they be talking about?
Alice finally came gracefully down the stairs—moving a little more slowly than normal, like she was sore. Bella hoped she hadn’t hurt herself springing into action in the shower earlier.
Surprisingly, Edward was in the driveway this morning. He usually waited in the school parking lot. Bella smiled, but then she frowned. Edward looked angry.
Still, he smiled back at her warmly. “Good morning Bella.” When he turned to his sister his expression grew cold again. “Alice,” he practically growled.
Fuck, Alice thought. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. What the fuck was this? Had he been reading her mind? Fuck! Alice knew she was fucked, and not in a good way for once. In the parking lot, Edward got out swiftly and opened Bella’s door. “If you don’t mind going on ahead,” he said, unleashing the full force of his eyes on the girl, “I’d like a private word with my sister.”
Bella mumbled something so low even Alice couldn’t hear it, and limped away toward school.
“How dare you…even consider it?” Edward demanded when Bella was out of sight.
“What?” Alice tried to look innocent.
“In the shower today. I saw what you were thinking.” His eyes were dark.
“You were reading my mind while I helped Bella shower!?” Alice said, appalled.
Edward cracked a crooked smile. “I watch the girl sleep Alice, what would you expect?” His expression was black again. “I was very much looking forward to seeing what you would be seeing, but instead I saw you…making love to Charlie!”
“Making love, Edward?” Alice mocked. “Are you eight years old or something? I was fucking Charlie.”
“You were thinking about it, you mean. But you really can’t!” His face was urgent, earnest.
Alice realized what was happening. “Right. I was fantasizing. You were seeing my fantasy. Of course I would never act on that.”
“Even thinking about it is a sin, Alice.”
She sighed in relief. “You know I have a thing for uniforms.”
“I do. And as much as that has helped us in the past-”
“Like Woodstock,” she reminded him.
“And Woodstock ’99.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. The point is, you’re with Jasper now. You have to keep those impure thoughts out of your head.”
“Look who’s talking! You were going to spy on Bella in the shower!”
“That’s different. I love Bella.”
“And I love Charlie’s cock!” Alice blurted. Fuck. “I mean, I love thinking about it, and having fantasies. Not re-living memories of it in the shower and thinking about what I’m going to do to it tomorrow. None of that. I am just thinking, is all. And that is what you are seeing.”
Edward looked confused.
Fuck, Alice thought. I’m rambling. Shut the fuck up Alice! Shut the fuck up! “Okay, I see how that is different now. And how it is wrong and all.”
“I’m glad we had this—” Edward started.
But Alice’s face had gone smooth and blank. Charlie had arrived at the Police station and come up with a new idea for tomorrow.
“Handcuffs, Alice? Gross!” Edward interrupted her vision.
“Stay out of my head!” Alice said.
“Stop being such a pervert!” Edward retorted.
“Fuck you,” Alice hissed. The sound was all silver, a wind chime.
1 comment:
that was actually hilarious please post more.
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