Yes, that is a real movie title. In high school, my friend Jory and I wrote an outline for a movie we called 2 Pearl 2 Harbor. In it, a new aircraft carrier dubbed the USS Pearl Harbor is attacked by the Japanese, who turn out to be in league with North Korea, who turn out to be in league with Osama Bin Laden, who turns out to be in league with Saddam Hussein. It was basically the plot of the first scene of The Naked Gun, only on a boat. Of course, we wrote this as a joke, we never intended for it to be real, and even if we had made something approaching it, our video would have been deliberately ridiculous.
Were it that Titanic II were deliberately ridiculous. Then, it might be sort of great! The idea that someone would build a new Titanic, bring it out to sea, and crash it into another iceberg is an absurd premise. Right? Except amazingly, shockingly, Titanic II is basically a straight-forward (and abysmal) action flick. Other than the title, there isn't even a touch of the camp or fun found in say, Piranha 3-D. This is just a straight-up humorless Rolland Emmerich knock-off. And boy, is it a knock-off!
Here's the plot. Amy is a nurse who is about to board the Titanic II, which is her new job. Good job, Amy! She's waiting for her father (Senator Mutant-Hater From X-Men) to show up and bid her godspeed, but he doesn't because he is a Coast Guard captain who gets called to a glacier that's falling apart. Of course, he doesn't call his daughter to cancel until he is already in a helicopter en route to the glacier. Father of the year over here. "No honey, I can't make it in time, I'm actually 800 miles away right now."
Titanic II is owned by Amy's ex-boyfriend, Hayden. No, that's not Donna Moss on his arm, but for a second I was like WHAT.
We later learn that actually this was his father's project, but his father died, and Hayden was forced into the family fate-tempting business. Hayden is kind of a jerk, and you feel like you can see a narrative emerging where he'll see Amy and become a good guy again. That sort of happens, except for the part where it is clear that he changed. He's just sort of a jerk and then sort of nice. There's no transition.
Anyway, Dad gets to the glacier and meets Dr. Jessica Biel, who is like, "Guess what? This glacier is going to break even worse and create a huge tsunami." And then, uh, that happens immediately. RUN! Good work, lady! Maybe if you didn't spend so much time over-explaining the stakes, we wouldn't be in this mess!
I really admire the way this movie piles on the problems: First there's a big wave, which sends an iceberg careening into the Titanic II at 800 miles an hour.
How did those dudes afford Titanic tickets? So yeah, the ship doesn't hit the iceberg, the iceberg hits the ship! I know, so innovative!
But then as everybody gets into lifeboats, we hear that there's another, bigger wave coming, which will kill all of the life boats, and that actually the safe place to be now is on the boat (where Amy still is). I mean, it's still sinking, but WHATEVER.

All that shit happens, all of the life boat people die, but not before the ship also randomly explodes a little bit! HEY!

Meanwhile Dad is speeding to the ship in a helicopter (that is running out of fuel. But Dad won't let the pilot refuel. And later after Dad leaves, the helicopter crashes and the pilot dies! Thanks, Dad)!
Again, I mean, to hear me tell it this sounds too outlandish to be taken seriously. But I'm pretty sure this movie sort of expects to be taken seriously? Everyone acts very seriously and studiously with their very bad-at-acting faces. The dialog is crappy, but not crappy enough to be on purpose. If this is a joke, it's a badly-planned one with a poorly-articulated punchline. In the comedy business we call that a "Joaquin Phoenix."
There's basically no action, and very bad CGI throughout. When you can even see the CGI, anyway--the last half of the movie is so dark you can't really make anything out. There isn't even any sex or nudity, and I was so sure there would be.
Instead those girls just disappear; most of the characters do! In the end, Hayden and Amy get trapped in a room below deck, and Hayden gives Amy a scuba suit to save her from the cold water. She's like, "You don't deserve to die!" And I was like, you're right Amy! But then I remembered the guy who plays Hayden also wrote and directed this movie. With that in mind, this part was very cathartic:
My favorite picture is the What up Lady Liberty! The ocean is made of tinfoil! I laughed for 2 minutes. Then I noticed it says Panic II and I laughed again. I think Dr. Jessica Biel is actually Dr. Brooke Burns.
For fuck sakes. I literally just cried. Coming from a MAJOR Titanic fan, this movie will probably be the end of my love of the event. I am truly disappointed with life right now.
There are so many things wrong with this:
-Being in Canada, I know our climate. Living in New Brunswick, Canada, I know that there are no icebergs that are floating around near the course of the Titanic.
-If you look at a map of the course the Titanic set, the site of the sinking is in parallel with New York. The waters there are too warm for icebergs.
-Due to our present Global warming, it only backs up my conclusion.
-It is rare to see icebergs floating south of Newfoundland Labrador.
-It's already being done, and this actual voyage is well planned out : http://cruiselinehistory.com/?p=1777
-Ever heard of SONAR? It's this new coming of age technology that helps us foresee oncoming object that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
-The Titanic was never visibly on fire.
Fuck this movie. The Director and Producer are now on my hitless of people I will brutally murder.
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