WELL! Last time, I was kind of just like, "I get it." Today I am like "I get it." Because this episode was GREAT. Or should I say GR-EAT? No, I should not.
Whereas last time we were just introduced to a bunch of madcap characters, this time we get an in-depth look at Cassie's life and issues as we follow her around for her last day of treatment (which eventually becomes her FIRST day of actually trying to get her shit together). I mean there is still some madcap shit:
But then it's mostly just Cassie, dealing with (and not dealing with) her issues. It's a heartbreaking portrait of a kind of mental illness, but it's also oddly beautiful (this episode is just as slowly paced as the first, but it's a strength rather than a weakness here).
There's a graceful but still really big tonal shift, too. This episode is very deeply felt. And it is like, entirely due to this young actress, Hannah Murray. So much of the story is dialogue-free--it just plays across her face. Hannah Murray: remember that name!
There's a fucking SHOWSTOPPER of a scene in which Cassie explains to Sid how she manages to trick her parents into thinking she's eating dinner. She explains the process of the grift while she's doing it and still manages to pull Sid in, like she's doing a card trick. And the resolution of Cassie's plot--that she has been sexting HERSELF these reminders to eat because she wants herself to get better (and by extension, that she is really the only support she needs), is handled in an understated way--there's a Studio 60 episode that ends similarly, but it's overblown and silly (which is almost redundant when we're talking about Studio 60).
Meanwhile, Sid still has the drug dealer after him. Mustache shows up early in the episode, but so does a woman who is indicated to be the rich mom/Persian rug owner from the last episode. So I assumed it was just a little world-building. BUT THEN:
I bet we're in for some inspiring classroom scenes next time. O CAPTAIN MY CAPTAIN PLEASE DON'T CUT MY BOLLOCKS OFF CAPTAIN! Various other notes:
- Cassie, annoyed at the way Tony bosses Sid around, "accidentally" spills a drink on Tony's crotch. "That's not supposed to happen," he says. Is that a Britishism or does Tony see his life as like, divinely ordained? Is he God's own slut?
- The Skins gang has a philosophy teacher, Angie, who has big weird creepy Katy Perry eyes. And said eyes have been guiltily leering at Knit Cap Skins Kid (I'll figure out his name soon) for two episodes now. Shit's about to get very Mary Kay Letourneau in here.
- This show is very comfortable with less-than-perfect nude adult bodies. And that's kind of great? I don't know. I mean, I don't need to see Cassie's mom EVER AGAIN but I respect her putting herself out there.
So okay! We will do some more episodes next week (and of course we will return to the pages of Looking For Alaska). You should watch this episode, if you get a chance this weekend. It's on Netflix Instant and also apparently on YouTube here. Thoughts?
Holy Shit, Mustache Man reminds me so much of Charlie Manson. He must have studied Manson interviews for that part.
I love this show! Just wait...shit gets real! :D P.S. "Knit Cap Skins Kid"...his name is Chris :D
-Kara P.
Chriiiiiiiiiiiissss! Cassieeeeeee! That's all the input I have, sorry.
Can't wait for your take on episodes 3 and 4. I just watched them, 4 because of the way 3 ended. 3 is about Jal and 4 about Chris. Some pretty heavy shit in these. So far, it looks like this show gets better as it went on.
I'm on episode 6 right now and so far this (aka the Cassie ep) is BY FAR the best one. I actually feel bad because I feel like the writers may have peaked a little too soon here.
My only problem is that I can't decide whether Cassie kind of ... glamourizes eating disorders. I mean, it's the old Cat Marnell argument: Just because a person is good looking doesn't mean they're romanticizing any issue they have, they just happen to be gorgeous. Still, I can't help but feel like a lot of young girls would kill to look like the big eyed, wavy blonde haired waif that is Cassie, even if it meant skipping meals. Thoughts?
I don't know, Chloe, but that Marnell comparison is a good one. I guess having no experience with eating disorders kind of disqualifies me from making a sound judgment, but I don't feel like she glamorizes it anymore than Skins glamorizes anything else. Which is to say: they don't intentionally glamorize much of anything: drugs, sex and so on. BUT by virtue of being on TV, they sort of glamorize EVERYTHING by default. Yeah? Or no? Maybe I will put this up to the group for discussion.
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