I was sure that an awards show would be sort of uninteresting from the inside, what with the commercial breaks and everything else, but it wasn't! It was a very quick, efficient show! A very quick, efficient Twilight-awards-distribution machine!
Robert Pattinson was very strange. Kristen Stewart was awkward in an occasionally charming way. Taylor Lautner was smooth and gracious as always. Dude is a very efficient smoothness and graciousness machine.
And of course the big thing was the Breaking Dawn trailer. It was fine! They definitely brought a little more to the table than Harry Potter and Super 8, I mean, their exclusive clips were just re-cut trailers, no? Here is a link if you missed it (at least I think it is, hotel internet is too slow to make sure). WHAT DID YOU THINK? WE SHOULD TALK ABOUT IT!
Oh and then Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner kissed. Kinky! And then Robert Pattinson botched a joke about fucking Reese Witherspoon. Also kinky!
Other stuff: I thought Jason Sudeikis was funny! And Reese Witherspoon dissed Blake Lively HARD. YA BURNT BLAKE LIVELY. I will write more later, obviously I have lots to tell you, but let's forget me for a second and get some perspective; I have no sense of how the world reacted to the show. My guess is sort of indifferently? Like, people who hate Twilight must REALLY hate these awards. But forget those people, what do WE think?
I was watching it with my mom, which I think might have been a mistake what with Robert Pattinson's strange antics and random light penises. My mom even went "Oh my god, he looks so stoned!" when he was giving his speech to Reese Witherspoon. And how awkward were most people's speeches! The speech with just Robert and Kristen felt so strange, along with the one with the three of them. They were totally unprepared! Which seems crazy considering that they should have known that these are the MTV Twilight Awards.
I DVR'd it, but I haven't watched it yet. I did see the trailer online, though. I love how overly dramatic it was. That music was hilarious. It did make me more excited for the movie, though. I'm glad they're at least showing him destroying the bed, even if they keep the bruises out.
I also love that they gave away the pregnancy, but didn't show the dress. Because we all know what's important here and it's the dress. Her hair was underwhelming, however. Where were the intricate braids or whatever it is they go one about?
Katie, it was super awkward there, too. When K Stew violently shoved Robert Pattinson away, it was like, painful to watch.
I'm going to hopefully remember to write about this later in my posts about my trip, but when we visited the theater for the rehearsal, they had whole, different speeches written for Pattinson and Chelsea Handler's intro to Reese Witherspoon. It was somehow wildly corny and vulgar at the same time. Like Robert Pattinson was supposed to talk about his sparkly penis and Chelsea was supposed to talk about giving Reese oral sex. It was rough.
So I'm wondering if Pattinson ditched what they wrote for him when he saw the teleprompter? Handler told him to read it, and he said there was nothing on there. But her speech was different too. It was a very bizarre moment in an evening full of them.
I have been complaining about Breaking Dawn being so bizarre and atonal, so it sort of is fitting the MTV Awards would be the same way.
I still haven't watched back the trailer, I mean I saw it in the Gibson theater but it was tough to examine the details. The bed crushing part SEEMED kinda cool though.
The strange banter between Robert and Kristen before the Robert/Taylor kiss was really hard to watch. Funnily enough, when Kristen pushed back Robert, that was the most emotion I had ever seen Kristen have in a long time!
The Reese Witherspoon speeches were incredibly strange, but I love how Robert totally screwed up his own joke and Reese had to basically tell the joke about herself in order for it to make any sense, no matter how hard it was to watch.
On TV, they actually cut to the teleprompter and it literally said "Robert Pattinson: Ad lib". Who thought that was a good idea? No one knew what exactly was supposed to happen!
The trailer was pretty cool as far as Twilight trailers go. It was like they had a checklist for what people wanted to see: Pretty wedding shots, check; hot, bed-breaking sex, check; Taylor Lautner sans shirt, check. I think we have made enough promises here! Let's send out that trailer!
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