“You don't think I an honest man?” Scratch said wryly. “Think I'm gonna tap that without your express permission?”
“Oh, not you. And it's not really that,” she said softly. “I was just making sure I didn't drool on this top or anything. It's one of my favorites. When I left home I didn't have a lot of time to pack."
“When the heat come it come fast,” Scratch observed.
Alice Cullen nodded solemnly and rolled her shirt sleeve back down.
“What I tell you though?” Scratch said, putting his needle back into a worn brown leather case. “Good package this time 'round.”
“True dat,” Alice said.
They were quiet for a minute, listening to the music blaring in the courtyard below.
“What you runnin' from these days, Alice? Is this for real or--” Scratch was used to his friend showing up at all hours with crazy claims like aliens were following her or some shit. He didn't mind, she brought money and pussy and didn't ask much in return but for some conversation. And Scratch liked to converse almost as much as he liked those other things.
“This is for real,” she said. “There's this vampire imperial guard, basically, called the Volturi. And they're gunning for my family; they're all going to get killed in a few days. These evil dudes are bringing their wives out of their fortress and everything, and while my family has formed an alliance with many nomads, it's unclear if that will stop the Volturi, or if my sister Bella's shield powers will be helpful or harmful.”
Scratch scratched his head. “Bitch, you are so high.”
Alice giggled. “Wanna fuck?” she asked in a low voice, letting the k sound really click.
“Sure, baby.” Scratch unbuckled the belt from his arm.
“Keep that nearby,” Alice said.
Two hours later, Alice strode through the courtyard toward the orange couch where Bodie, well, where Bodie held court.
“What's good, Bodie?” Alice squinted up at him.
“You know,” he said, hopping down from his perch on the back of the couch. “Micromanaging as usual. Boss man came through 'bout an hour ago, none of the little hoppers at they post, so boss man chewed me out. Now I'm all up in it.”
“I told you you were fine. I see no 5-0 around here for the rest of the day.”
“Well, he doesn't know you,” Bodie said. “So he ain't taking your word for it.”
“Well then I guess I won't tell him about what's going to happen to him in two weeks,” Alice said coyly.
“Whoa whoa whoa. What's going to happen?” Bodie asked, concerned.
“What, you're not ready to move up the ladder one rung?” She took out some lipstick and applied it gracefully. “Make room at the top! Hey, where can a girl get a soft pack around here? Menthols?”
“Alice, don't fuck with me.”
“Nothing's going to happen, I was kidding. His boo is pregnant, that's all.”
“Which one?”
“He's got more than one? Oh you n—”
“Hey!” Bodie interjected.
“I was going to say 'Oh you naughty young men.”
“Sure you were, white lady.”
“For fuck's sake, I'm blacker than you, Bodie.”
“You street as fuck, I'll give you that. Sticking around for a while?”
Alice shrugged. “I was thinking about catching a movie.”
“Where your man? Mr. Jasper? I know he doesn't like coming around here. He racist.”
“Yeah,” Alice sighed. “But you should see his dick.”
“Rather not,” Bodie spat.
“Anyway he's in our hotel room. Chained to the radiator.”
“What? Why!?”
“Sheeeeeeeit. For fun, Bodie!”
“How long he been there?”
“About...three days now,” Alice said. “Since he gave me my Christmas present.”
“What he give you? You're not the kinda girl needs diamonds and all that, are you?”
“Oh, I most certainly am. But no, he gave me an... unconventional gift.”
“I'm waiting.”
“I want to tread lightly here, because I know this is a sensitive issue with y'all big tough gangsters,” she said. “Let's just say he ate mad pussy.”
Bodie snorted. “That's a Christmas gift for you guys? If so I feel bad for you."
“Well, it sort of was by accident. Because it turned out Christmas had come and gone while he was doing it.”
“Damn,” Bodie said. “Well, homeboy must not have done a good job if you locked him up afterwards.”
“Oh no, this is his reward.”
Bodie laughed. “I will never understand white folks.”
"Most of us don't understand ourselves," Alice replied, making a jerking off hand motion for some reason.
"That's some wise shit, Alice."
But her eyes were suddenly far away.
"Alice, whoa, you okay? You shoot some bad shit? Alice?" Bodie shook her a few times.
"Bodie, your boss just made a decision," she said, her face grave. Then she broke into a big smile. "You're getting points on the package!"
"No way. Bitch, are you kidding me?"
"He only pretended to be mad about the hoppers. Really, he's impressed with the operation you've got running here!" Alice danced with joy around Bodie.
"You sure about this?"
"One hundred percent. Within the week."
"I'm gonna buy you something big and shiny, Alice."
"Hit on someone your own size," she said, punching his shoulder.
"You sure you don't want to work for me? Be my lieutenant?" Bodie grinned.
Alice sighed. "I promised Jasper we'd see Gettysburg next."
"Is that in the suburbs or something?" Bodie asked.
"It's the site of a famous--yeah, basically," she said. "Speaking of which I am going to need a lot of heroin for the road."
"Good news," Bodie said. "It's in stock!"
Alice is such a bad ass! This is way better than what's going on in the main story.
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