Chapter 14
I know what you're thinking: a wasp's nest is not very scary. Katniss will survive a few stings, right? Unless these are some kind of like, genetically engineered deadly super wasps with homing capability and hallucination-inducing venom. And what are the odds that they are those? THE ODDS ARE ONE HUNDRED PERCENT, BITCH! That's what you get for thinking a wasp's nest is no big deal. Let that be a lesson to you: never trust wasps. First Enron, now this! Okay I'll stop.
Yes, Katniss says the nest above her head holds a species of wasp created specially by the Capitol, who apparently weren't content with suppressing the proletariat with EFFICIENT killing methods like bombs and artificially intelligent fire. Variety is the spice of modern warfare, after all, so they invented these things, Tracker Jackers. Not the most fear-inspiring name, I know. I keep thinking “Buy me some peanuts and...” but Katniss is freaked. She also sees her only real chance at escape, and thus early in the morning she climbs closer to the nest and begins to saw the branch off the tree in order to knock it onto her sleeping pursuers.
Before that, though, two things happen. Katniss finds a box attached to a small parachute in the tree, her first gift from a sponsor: a salve to treat her burns. She quietly thanks Haymitch for what she assumes was an expensive and hard-won favor (“I just wanted to send you a bottle of bourbon, but everybody thought this was a better idea. I use it to treat the burning sensation on my balls. Fuck you.”-The note Haymitch probably included). Then she signals Rue and lets her know what's up. Rue disappears and Katniss hears rustling sounds and we realize she is leaping from tree to tree. LIKE A BOSS. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Rue am I right? YES (what?). Next I want to see her land on someone's shoulders and break his neck.
Unfortunately a few Tracker Jackers figure out what's up too, and Katniss gets stung on the knee and FACE while she makes the last few frantic hacks and sends the nest hurtling down on Peeta and the gang. And then shit gets MOTHERFUCKING CRAY CRAY. Most of the Careers (including Peeta) flee for the lake in a panic, but two of them get stung too many times to get away. One girl stumbles into the woods and dies and Glimmer only makes it a few feet. Katniss watches her “twitch hysterically on the ground for a few minutes, and then go still.” So I guess the question of whether or not Katniss will kill anyone has been emphatically answered!* Yikes! Those bitches are DEAD!
(*I guess I don't know why I thought she wouldn't. Because I grew up reading bloodless comic-books and just spent two years reading a toothless YA vampire novel? But anyway, I was surprised.)
Katniss returns to the pool where she was after the fire but then remembers the bow Glimmer was holding when she went down; she fears that when the Gamemakers have her body removed the bow will go with it and she'll lose her best shot at survival. She's feeling pretty woozy from the venom, but drags herself back to the scene using essentially the same instinct people use to get home when they're really drunk. But none of your friends' drunk stories compare to what's about to happen here: By the time Katniss gets back, Glimmer is a swollen bag of pus. And she's lying on top of the bow.
I try to roll over her body by pulling on one arm, but the flesh disintegrates in my hands and I fall back down in the ground.
OH SHIIIIIT! Katniss is like “am I tripping balls or what?” But the hovercraft shows up to collect the other dead girl and Kat kicks into high gear, yanking the bow free even after it gets tangled in Glimmer's fucking BONES. But it takes her long enough that one of the bad guys comes running back and she's too weak and drugged out to run away.
I'm helpless as the first hunter crashes through the trees, spear lifted, poised to throw. The shock on Peeta's face makes no sense to me. I wait for the blow.
That's an unfortunate rhyme, but Peeta drops his spear and hisses at Katniss to run. She's like “OK now I'm legit tripping balls,” but she DOES run, and takes shelter in the woods. She's somewhere near Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the venom begins to take hold. And then shit gets very “Un Chien Andalou” on us:
The world begins to bend in alarming ways. A butterfly balloons to the size of a house and then shatters into a million stars. Trees transform to blood and splash down over my boots. Ants begin to crawl out of the blisters on my hands and I can't shake them free.
And somebody points to Katniss and says “it is hers.” And she says “what's mine?” and they say “WELL WHAT IS?” But seriously, you guys I didn't know there was going to be a drug sequence in this book! I hope “White Rabbit” plays over this scene in the movie version.
Stray Notes & Questions
- So that last part is when the venom REALLY kicks in, but how much do you think it affected Katniss's perception of everything else? Was Glimmer really as gross and swollen and disintegrated as we heard? Was Peeta really there? I mean, of course Peeta was really there but will Katniss think so?
- Do you think this was an interesting tack to take, writing-wise, or was it sort of cheap? There are only so many ways you can drag out the mystery of Peeta, and I sort of feel like this was one of the better options. But generally speaking, confusion based on being drugged is a pretty irritating device.
- In New Moon, Bella puzzles over the mystery of what Jacob is long after it is totally clear and obvious to everyone reading along, even the ten-year-olds who should not have such an evil piece of misogynist trash in their dumb little hands. But contrary to what some of you have anonymously implied, I DON'T think the answer to The Peeta Question is obvious at all. Yet. I mean he clearly is helping Katniss, but whether it is because he has a crush on her or because he's involved in a bigger political plot or because he's doing it so he can double-cross her in the end, I don't know. All of them are equally plausible. Or maybe it's something else. And that's great!
- Film adaptation question: There's obviously some question as to how gory this movie can be. Do you think the hallucination stuff helps or hurts the movie, MPAA-ratings-wise? Do you think the filmmakers can/would get away with more if they played it up as a nightmarish dream with less realistic effects/gore? Context matters a lot. You can show a penis in an R-rated movie but not an erect one. I know that doesn't seem like it applies here, but it sort of does.
- Friend of the blog Suzette just asked something interesting. What would be a "no homo" for feminism? "No femmo" was her suggestion. I proposed "no gyno." And would it work like no homo where you accidentally say something that sounds feminist or would it be the opposite? Like you accidentally say something sexist and then say "no gyno" (in this case invoking misogyny more than anything else). Like if you had a female friend who was a chef and she was unemployed and you said "she needs to get back in the kitchen. No gyno." Would that work? Got a better word/set of rules?
- On that note, I just found this Tumblr about why gay activist Dan Savage is horrible. It's kind of the self-destroying shit I've been fruitlessly and stupidly lecturing the queer community about for years, right? I mean, Dan Savage does some good. A lot of good if you fear the political ascendancy of Rick Santorum like I do. If he's committing some kind of new age faux-paux by suggesting that people who have sex in 2011 should be OK with oral sex (SEEMS LIKE A REASONABLE REQUEST!) well, I don't think it really warrants creating an entire website to attack him. There are much more horrific people out there to attack, activists! You're doing it wrong! Also, the sidebar on the site reads like a parody of modern liberal insanity: "Fuck No, Dan Savage was created to showcase the cissexist, sexist, sexualist, monosexist, classist, racist, sizeist, and ableist douchebaggery of Dan Savage, of "It Gets Better" (for privileged queers only) fame." SEXUALIST is a thing now? Anyway, my question is does anybody have a little more background on this?
I've read this book about 5 times now and I still have no idea exactly how much of the Glimmer scene is real. I kind of like that I can't figure it out. I'm cool with it as a plot device here because it seems to fit in with all the other crazy stuff that happens. It's not just some random out of nowhere thing.
I find it hard to believe they'll be able to keep all the gore in this and maintain a PG-13 rating, mostly because the violence is being carried out by children and that seems like a context the MPAA might be opposed to. Something is going to have to be cut.
Wait, so what exactly did Dan Savage say that has them so worked up? Did he say that everyone should like oral sex? Because I could see being annoyed at that if you were someone who just wasn't into it, but it doesn't seem to warrant an outraged tumblr.
I think the oral sex thing is the most recent outrage, but they've just kind of been going after him in general?
I just read a post in which they complain because he suggested that an "asexual" person shouldn't have a relationship with a person who likes sex. Here's what one person wrote in response:
Because of course relationships revolve around sex, and someone who doesn’t feel sexual attraction doesn’t deserve to love/be loved by someone who does and must only “seek someone like them." Yeah, that’s very… Very nice and progressive bro. Totally not insulting to anyone in the world.
Um, sex is a pretty important part of a ROMANTIC relationship, right? I don't think it's ridiculous to suggest that it's unfair to get into a relationship with a person and then be like "oh, you have to respect my right to not want to fuck." That's a pretty radical and out-there (and anti-biological) way to feel! To act like it's not weird is just silly! Sorry asexuals, being asexual is weird. Even Morrisey would admit that.
What does this have to do with the Hunger Games? Uh, Katniss is kind of asexual?
Isn't that kind of like saying gay men should just date women anyway because sex isn't important? If you're not compatible, you're not compatible. End of story.
I'm pretty sure Glimmer's body was disfigured grossly, but not disintegrating into bones. That's an extremely fast decomposition rate, even for muttations. I hope in the movie, it's just as gory and violent as the book. A significant theme of the book is violence; skimping out would be cheating.
And I was kind of hoping Katniss would swing lezzie in the end and hook up with Madge. Since we're talking about gay sex and all (right?)
weird... Friend of the Blog is my Native American spirit name.
Oral Sex Is Awesome would be a pretty good running platform.
I feel like saying you don't like oral sex is like saying you don't like pizza. Okay, you don't like it and you're our friend that carries around a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of Wonder bread. Okay. That's cool. We're still buddies and everyone's gonna try to get you some couscous or a salad but just because you don't like pizza doesn't mean it isn't fucking rad.
I mean, I reject Patrick Swayze's symbolism of outdated masculinity but that doesn't mean he didn't save my friend from driving drunk once. R.I.P. you beautiful angel, Swayze.
The point IS No Femno or No Gyno (except that I do want women to get regular check-ups and disease screenings and I think an HPV vaccination for little girls would be BOSS) would be nice to drop in simple response to blatantly misogynistic or foolishly oppressive statements. Like how That's What S/He Said are about sex.
Like today I was reading about a book about "seven decades of a woman whose capability to love, even those who have wronged her, is enormous and heartbreaking." I feel like I should follow that with No Femno or Girl Power or like Burn Your Bra. Do not spend seven decades loving people who have wronged you. That shit's for suckers.
But about the Hunger Games, Kim, do you think the later things with the eyes if for real? I mean, the later thing with the eyes would seem to contradict this melting scenario for Glimmer.
I propose we reconvene at the thing with the eyes. Shudder.
Hmm, I have thoughts on that, but I will save them for later so we don't spoil it.
When I first read that scene, I thought it was straight up legit she was dissolving before our very eyes. But my experiences with hallucinagins and what is talked about later have me believing it didn't happen as our narrator described. That doesn't mean I don't want them to show the most horrible decomposing body they can imagine. Show it how Katniss saw it.
Parents would hate it if I were a part of the MPAA. I'm a horrible judge on what is appropriate for children. Rated R movies and NC-17 movies would be rated PG under my rule. All others would be rated G.
W/r/t the no femmo no gyno conversation I vote no gyno. I also think it would be wrong for an asexual to force a sexual person to abstain just as much as I think it wong that a sexual person force am asexual to do the bedroom tango.
People should be compatible in order to be in a healthy relationship. My uncle came out of the closet later in life and it tore his family apart. Even though everyone else had a feeling he was only with her to keep up appearances. It was wrong of him to do that to her.
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