OH NO! Have you guys seen this Tumblr
Twilight Confessions? It's like My Life Is Twilight only somehow worse, because people take the time to alter screencaps and yet somehow they don't use that time to THINK ABOUT WHAT THEY ARE FUCKING SAYING.
Earlier today Reddit
was flooded with activity as people signed on in droves to post to a thread about their secret but honest racist opinions. Something about this site feels similar, and really, the rationale behind some Tea Party activity isn't altogether different. Tell us how you really feel, and don't worry, because we feel the same way. But some of it is just like, "What?"
It isn't even caramel anymore! This site is scarily vast, so
go check it out if you feel like feeling crazy. Not that it's all bad:
But it's still MOSTLY bad. New Hunger Games tomorrow.
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